Capelli: la bellezza è immediata

Hair: beauty is immediate

New, now, wow! Beautiful right away in a short time...the  flash cosmetology  it's the topic of the moment. Immediate and visible beauty effect to best face any occasion, psychologically strengthened by the positive sensations of...
Hair-smoothie energizzante

Energizing hair-smoothie

Energy drink:  fresh summery and rich in vitamin C, it strengthens the capillaries, improves circulation and gives new energy and vitality to your hair. What you need: 1/2 grapefruit 1 orange  1 slice of lemon...
Hair-smoothie rigenerante

Regenerating hair-smoothie

Nourishing-regenerating drink :  with antioxidant and refreshing almond milk, bananas and peanut butter it is pleasant and delicious and  helps strengthen and nourish nails and hair . There  vitamin C  in fact it improves the...
Hair-smoothie antiossidante

Antioxidant hair-smoothie

Antioxidant drink:  blackberries strawberries blueberries and raspberries. All the berries you can, to increase the photo-protective capabilities of the skin and scalp. The ideal mix against summer oxidative stress. What you need: 1/2 cup blueberries...
Capelli secchi addio...

Goodbye dry hair...

Over time, hair undergoes various chemical and physical stresses, losing its natural ability to retain water. The treatment  hydration 21  renews the hair structures and restores the original functions for a few weeks, fixing essential...
Ama la tua pelle...

Love your skin...

It protects us, it enlightens us, it speaks about us and it is the only dress that fits us perfectly and that we cannot take off: our skin. To enhance such a precious asset  HAIR...
Capelli opachi e senza luce? La soluzione c’è!

Dull and lackluster hair? There is a solution!

Let yourself be conquered by the magic of the purest oils and find light and softness in your hair:  O1- Light Restorative Oil  And  B7-Eudermic Bath Shine , with Macadamia, Jojoba and Argan oils in...
2 segreti per valorizzare i tuoi capelli lisci

2 secrets to enhance your straight hair

The May Day long weekend is an opportunity for new inspirations and new looks: do you want to enhance your smooth hair? F6 - the anti-frizz  It will be your best ally this weekend. If...
Capelli Secchi? Scopri i prodotti per una Chioma Splendente

Dry Hair? Discover the products for shiny hair

Life is a fast race against time and even hair suffers the consequences, especially if it is dry, dull or opaque. When there is no time for deep treatment how to save the image? HAIR...
Il riccio che vuoi? Oggi puoi!

The hedgehog you want? Today you can!

Curly, wavy or frizzy? Defined, natural or wild? The line  HAIR MEDIUM  FORM  is the solution for you! If your  focus  it's a  effect  elastic curl , natural and bright,  after shampooing and conditioning -...
Di che forma è il tuo liscio?

What shape is your smooth?

Linearity, perfection combined with structure or naturalness...  HAIR MEDIUM  FORM  offers the ideal solution for every hair type. When you want a natural smoothness without frizz, that lasts over time,  F7 - perfect smooth, with...
Capelli grassi alla radice e secchi sulle punte

Greasy hair at the roots and dry at the ends

When the hair is  dry on the tips  but flat and heavy at the root  which shampoo is best to choose? Hair and scalp are different tissues and often the solution to meet the needs...