Collection: Anti-lice

Scientific research in the fight against pediculosis has highlighted the effectiveness of innovative oily ingredients such as dimethicone, essential oils of thyme, rosemary, anise and tea tree oil, safe for health and completely non-toxic. The formulations of PIDOX anti-lice products, rich in these ingredients, without pesticides and without antiparasitics, eliminate the problem of lice by exploiting the mechanical and repellent action of oils, which immobilize and suffocate the unwelcome guests, respecting the health and delicate skin of children.

3 products


The Pidox treatment includes a fluid and a shampoo, both based on delicate natural extracts and washing but completely without insecticides and chemical pesticides. The products for lice have a soothing and anti-small action shown scientifically that exploits the repellent properties of the Dimeticone, of the essential oils and the Tree Tree Oil, natural ingredients capable of contrasting pediculosis and removing parasites respecting the scalp of children . The anti -cleaning treatment can always be accompanied by the use of a comb capable of removing the drinks anchored to the hair and other products dedicated to pediculosis: the anti -pricing destructive can also be very effective in the preventive application in periods of infestation.

Although the subjects most inclined to contract pediculosis are children of school age, many in life has happened to have to deal with this phenomenon. Annoying and intrusive like a few other parasites, the lice pass on the head with extreme ease and have a decidedly high proliferation rate: it is estimated that each female individual can lay from 7 to 10 eggs per day. Once rooted and consolidated, pediculosis can cause intense itching, bite bruises or scratching and possibly local enlargement of the lymph nodes. Easy to recognize and cure, thanks to the anti -pricy products it is possible to alleviate and treat the symptoms of pediculosis and suffocate and eradicate parasites with a totally natural method.