Shadow of summer strength of autumn...

Ombra d'estate forza d'autunno...

Is it true that hair grows faster in the summer? There are conflicting opinions and evidence about the effects that light has on hair...

exposed to the sun's rays for a long time, they suddenly appear to grow longer; this phenomenon is partly explained by the  lower melatonin production , natural growth inhibitor.

Partly it depends on the life cycle of the hair, which is typical for each individual. Protecting yourself from excessive exposure to light during the hottest and most dazzling hours helps to  maintain  stable growth rate , and this translates into less stress on the bulbs (motors and support of healthy hair).

Allowing yourself a siesta, resting in the shade, not only relaxes the spirit but prepares the hair to face the change of season with more energy. Under the sun it is always recommended to apply  protective .