Aloe and oats…relief from stress and itching

Home and work – work and home, minimal dynamics of daily life that is apparently linear but in reality full of commitments.
Without realizing it, every day we test and stress our organism, asking for a lot and giving back little, only to stop when faced with obvious signs of stress and intolerance.
The itchy scalp it could be a manifestation of intolerance in the face of too much pressure…
What to do? Nature offers many remedies to calm superficial skin discomfort caused by stress: the extract obtained from the leaves of aloe it has an immediate soothing and calming action and due to its effects many people compare it to a drug; the oats , thanks to its hydrating, anti-reddening and anti-itching properties, it is highly appreciated and recommended for the care of sensitive skin.
That's why, to quickly calm scalp discomfort HAIR MED has selected these ingredients for the Z3 anti-itch fluid: just a few drops are enough for a immediate relief when you need it . Ask for information in salons HAIR MED.
- Tags: Cura e benessere