Laminazione capelli o cheratina R3, quale scegliere?

Hair lamination or keratin R3, which one to choose?

Hair lamination  or  keratin R3 , which one to choose? Every woman wants silky, soft and shiny hair. If you think about it  Shine is one of the intrinsic properties of hair fibers , without...
HAIRMED sostiene Fondazione Umberto Veronesi

HAIRMED supports the Umberto Veronesi Foundation

  Pink is good  is the project of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation dedicated to  Fight against female cancers  that HAIRMED has chosen to support with the desire to give a  authentic contribution  to this project...
Il bene che non vedi

The good you don't see

HAIRMED with Lelia's Diary: a project of solidarity, eco-sustainability and peace. The  Lelia's diary,  an Italian non-profit organization that has been active for decades in an area of ​​southern India characterized by poverty and marginalization,...
Cocco Lemon: disseta corpo e capelli

Coconut Lemon: quenches body and hair

LEMON COCONUT  It is the drink of the summer, rich in natural principles that allow you to hydrate the body with a detox action useful for the well-being of body and hair. Read why and...
HAIRMED experience: benessere da provare

HAIRMED experience: wellness to try

HAIR MED experience is the wellness salon where   find the tailor-made solution for the beauty of body and hair, inspired by the philosophy  HAIR MED. Commitment, attention, nature, colour, transparency and cheerfulness are the values...
Pidox: La protezione è cool

Pidox: Protection is cool

Colorful, trendy and useful:  The products of the PIDOX line will please mothers but also the most sophisticated teenagers. Lice, as we know,  are a widespread and invasive community that everyone would like to stay...
Prepararsi al risveglio

Prepare to wake up

Hair doesn’t hibernate. It accompanies you every day as you walk the streets or find shelter in the warmth of your home.  Make sure they are always well nourished with small tricks and some dedicated...
Detox: liberati dalle impurità

Detox: free yourself from impurities

Detoxifying means eliminating toxins, or substances that disturb the natural balance of our body.  Detox skin treatments, based on the application and massage of specific cosmetics, have the aim of  improve oxygenation and vitality of...
A casa come in una beauty spa

At home as in a beauty spa

Nothing is more pleasant than taking a few minutes for yourself, perhaps with a good book and a hot herbal tea. So why not add an exotic touch to this ritual with a hair treatment...
Sotto l'albero c'è un dono per te...

Under the tree there is a gift for you...

Christmas is a magical time to celebrate with those you love. The day when it is easier to hug and say thank you. The day we also chose to thank all of you with a...
Capelli di velluto? Prova ricostruzione R3

Velvet hair? Try R3 reconstruction

Transform your hair into  soft velvet , with the specific and repairing R3 keratin reconstruction treatment for  brittle hair , LARGE or FINE. Things?  The  R3 reconstruction treatment  with keratin, collagen and trace elements, deeply...
Il programma anticaduta capelli

The anti-hair loss program

Hair loss, thinning and weakness are a source of discomfort and concern for many people. For this reason, starting from September  HAIR MED and its partner salons invite you to try the  "anti-hair loss program",...