For a better result buy the complete treatments


€72,00 EUR

Treatment Anti-hair loss triphasic , to combat hair loss in cases of healthy scalp but intense hair loss. Maximum effectiveness thanks to preliminary cleansing of the skin surfa...

Benefits of the active ingredients


Arnica Montana L, Achillea Millefolium, Tussilago Farfara, Cinchona succirubra

benefits of the active ingredients


Hydrolized keratin, Glycosamino glycans, Trace elements of silicon, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc


A light scalp massage is enough

With the  anti-hair loss lotion  light and fragrant  L1 HAIRMED , That  it settles and absorbs easily, now you know  how to thicken hair . This lotion  can be applied every day , even on dry skin, with a light massage of the scalp. There is no need to rub, but simply dabbing with the fingertips, from top to bottom, promotes the penetration of the fluid and the action of the natural extracts. With the measuring nozzle it is  even easier to apply , thus avoiding wetting the hair or wasting the product.

Frequently asked questions

Anti-hair loss biolotion L1

Clean Beauty

SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) Free
Paraben Free
Allergen Free


Our products are not tested on animals and do not use ingredients derived from them.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

We use transparent bottles in 100% recyclable PET, no emissions of combustion gases and dioxin