Rinfresca ogni giorno

Refresh every day

AND  time to sweep  away toxins and impurities , bring new oxygen, energy and freshness! The  DB - Cleansing, purifying for the well-being of the scalp and hair , thanks to cleansing bases derived from...
Z1, Z2: cute e pollini

Z1, Z2: skin and pollen

Not everyone knows that hair is the cause of sleepless nights for many allergy sufferers... In spring, hair, especially if long, collects dust and pollen ready to irritate the nose and even the sleep of...
Prurito della testa

Itching of the head

Aggressive products, frequent washing, coloring but also dyes, dandruff and stress can result in an annoying itch on the head. Scalp irritation should not be underestimated and if it does not go away with a...
Capelli a prova di freddo e smog!

Cold and smog proof hair!

There is a lot of talk about the harmful effects of smog  and pollution:  In the winter season, the data from the detection columns are always under observation. The fine dust that accumulates in the...
Ritorna in forma...

Get back in shape...

After the first three days of celebration, finally a day of relaxation... the opportunity to get back in shape. All it takes is a little attention... Treat yourself to a longer shower or, if you...
Capelli seducenti... capelli sani...

Seductive hair... healthy hair...

Free the follicle, increase oxygenation, normalize the appearance and functions of the scalp by improving the absorption and effectiveness of lotions...  Here are the pillars of the  anti-fall method  HAIR MED. A different and specific...
Stop alle doppie punte!

Stop split ends!

It's not magic but the treatment with exclusive cosmetic technology that seals split ends and repairs hair breakage, also restoring shine and softness. It's called  HAIR reconstruction MEDIUM It is easy to use, gives immediate...
Capelli che si dividono? Doppie punte?

Splitting hair? Split ends?

Hair that splits? Split ends? Choose innovation and eliminate the problem with a few simple tips and a little extra attention. Intervening is simple and immediate, with the new technology  Cross-link  from the  Reconstruction with...
Cosa chiedono i tuoi capelli?

What does your hair ask for?

Strength and volume, Hydration and softness… What does your hair ask for? We are not all the same and this is even more true when we talk about hair. Choose yours  wellness treatment ! You...
Finalmente a casa

Finally home

Finally home! The only place where we find ourselves and all the things we like but don't always fit in the suitcase... Rediscover the routines and objects you love and it will always be vacation!...


If you love spas and are relaxed by massages and exotic perfumes, discover the pleasure of the light ritual  HAIR MED. The unique elixir that gives shine and softness to the hair with  Argan, Macadamia...
Luce continua e capelli rinforzati

Continuous light and strengthened hair

Patented cosmetic technology  cross-link  It is the key to the effectiveness of hair reconstruction  HAIR MED:  keratin, collagen and trace elements  renew hair, restoring body and shine for up to three weeks...continuous light effect! The...