Henna and reconstruction with keratin R3

Expert answers
M. asks us:
" Good morning! I use henna to dye my hair. Can I still do the R3 treatment or could it ruin my hair, since henna cannot be dyed chemically? ".
THE' expert answers:
" Dear M., the Reconstruction HAIRMED , thanks to its formula and its mechanism of action, is compatible with Henna-based colourings. In fact, the system HAIRMED provides and fixes substances similar to the hair structure (in particular keratin and collagen), without modifying the pH to determine the opening of the cuticles. We recommend performing the Reconstruction treatment HAIRMED after 10-12 days from the application of henna. In this way the structure of the hair, its shine, but also the coloring will be even more revitalized and invigorated ."
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