Know and deal with the problem of lice

Small and very quiet, he eats continuously and unfortunately with an annoying and irritating rudeness. He does not fly, he does not jump and he has hooked legs to cling in a few moments to the hair of children.
It multiplies and spreads quickly: the female louse lives for 3 weeks and is able to produce 300 eggs that it attaches well to the hair with a very strong glue. What can you do? do then, to stop the louse and not think about it anymore?
Here are the "10+1" PIDOX tips:
1. Check periodically the presence of lice by carefully checking the children's heads, especially near the nape and ears.
2. In the case of suspected presence of lice, carry out the procedure immediately treatment with PIDOX , X1 – active fluid spray And X2 – Anti-lice shampoo . Completely non-toxic, without insecticides and without anti-parasitics , with Dimethicone, repellent essential oils and Tea Tree Oil, is quick, safe and can be done whenever needed.
3. Complete the check with the metal comb to eliminate lice and nit residues.
4. Apply every morning , before leaving home X3 – Instant detangling conditioner daily protection with essential oils with insect-repellent action.
5. Use X2 , with essential oils with a repellent and soothing action, with every shampoo .
6. Wash at 60° everything that has been in contact with hair (pillowcases, hats, shirts, towels) and also carefully clean sofas, stuffed animals and children's fabric toys.
7. Clean with care , better with hot water, all the brushes and combs at home.
8. Repeat the treatment after 6 days , For also eliminate lice born from the first nits.
9. To prevent contagion Teach children never to put jackets, hats, coats on top of each other : Piled up clothes are 'breeding grounds' for lice!
10. Better Not never lend brushes or combs and it is strictly forbidden to lend oneself to the swimming pool headphones, hair clips or headbands !
Finally, there is a eleventh and obvious advise: With lice, you need to intervene promptly to prevent them from spreading from head to head. Always keep a handy tool, even on holiday. safe treatment and effectiveness is the best way to be calm and timely.
Discover the solutions for lice PIDOX and inform yourselves in your living room HAIR MEDIUM of trust, taking advantage of the Autumn promotion :
with the purchase of 2 PIDOX products you will have as a gift B10 ultra-delicate body and hair bath*.
* While stocks last. Promotion ends 06-10-17.