Reconstruction: the benefits of keratin

Keratin , the main constituent of hair, is a filamentous protein composed of chains of amino acids.
His fame as powerful rebuilder It is due to a sulfur-containing amino acid: cystine.
With his sulfur atoms , gives the keratin chains a tight cohesion, allowing them to wrap around the hair with a structure similar to a helix. It is precisely these bonds, called sulfide bridges, that ensure the stiffness and solidity to the hair .
There Keratin strength of our hair, is threatened daily by Chemicals (aggressive shampoos, colouring, bleaching, perms), heat (straighteners, curling irons, hair dryers) and atmospheric agents (UV, sea, smog).
Even the stress , some drugs and a long list of pathologies can lead to the degradation of the keratin structure of the hair which, once weakened, loses shine, elasticity and resistance. Since the hair fiber It cannot regenerate itself on its own (it does not have DNA), damage repair can only occur from the outside.
In these cases, it is essential to reconstruct the degraded keratin structures with a keratin bath once or twice a month, depending on the needs: the Reconstruction HAIR MED with Keratin R3 .
The reconstruction HAIR MED, exploiting the repairing properties of collagen and keratin R3 , restores body, volume and shine to the hair, with effects that last up to 3 weeks .
Try it and you'll never be able to do without it again!
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