Prevenzione e trattamento

Prevention and treatment

SAFETY AGAINST LICE Pidox is based on dimethicone, essential oils and tea tree oil, innovative and non-toxic principles to be used without worries whenever needed because they are free from insecticides and anti-parasitics. PREVENTION X3...
R3 sistema ricostruzione alla cheratina

R3 keratin reconstruction system

Fine hair  And  big hair  I am very  different in shape, resistance and characteristics  aesthetics. When healthy and intact, fine hair is shiny, light and silky to the touch, while thick hair is strong, full-bodied...
Sistema idratazione e protezione attivo 21 giorni

Hydration and protection system active for 21 days

B9 -  Eudermic bath hydrating dry hair Ideal for cleansing naturally dry or dehydrated hair from technical treatments, straighteners or hair dryers or from sun and salt. Its delicate formula gently cleanses and hydrates, leaving...
Doppie punte trattamento home made

Split ends home made treatment

When the  hair was very damaged , our grandmothers applied egg yolk, left it on for a whole night and in the morning, after washing their hair with soap or shampoo, they rinsed it with...
Benessere del cuoio capelluto trattamento home made

Scalp wellness home made treatment

Stiff head, tense scalp and mind crowded with many thoughts. Our grandmothers knew how to deal with this discomfort: warm oil to drip on the forehead and head and then a nice relaxing bath with...
Capelli secchi - trattamento home made

Dry hair - home made treatment

Home made and DIY (do it yourself) are the trend of the moment, in all fields, including beauty. A backward jump? It is not necessary: ​​just use the  right formulas and in the right way...
Capelli che cadono?

Hair falling out?

Three-phase system  HAIR MED...beyond the usual vial. Hair falls out and grows back cyclically. At certain times of the year or in particular conditions of stress we notice that the hair loss increases in intensity....
Sigh sigh...

Sigh sigh...

In autumn your hair falls out sadly? Hair loss is a problem that cyclically affects many people. In addition to the so-called physiological replacement, hair loss can be linked to situations of discomfort and discomfort...
Oli purissimi

Very pure oils

Discover the treatments at  pure oils  Of  HAIR MED: B7 EUDERMIC BATH GLOSS Distribute the product on wet hair, emulsify and rinse. If necessary, repeat and always rinse thoroughly. Use for regular cleansing. Also suitable...
Ricostruzione capelli

Hair reconstruction

DIRECTIONS FOR: hair damaged by chemical treatments (colouring, bleaching or straightening), by thermal factors (straighteners and hairdryers) or physical factors (UV, chlorine and smog); dull hair, lacking tone, strength or elasticity; fine hair or hair...


Discover the  dermopurifying HAIR MED designed for the well-being of your skin and hair. DB - DERMOPURIFYING WELLBEING How to use: Apply the product to the scalp, line by line, and distribute evenly with a...


How to always have thick, beautiful and vigorous hair, keep it healthy all year round, support its growth during periods of physiological renewal and prevent it from becoming weak and thin? There is a lot...