Hair lotions exert a regenerating and balancing action on the scalp and are very important both in the treatment of specific needs and in the construction of a healthy routine of well -being, but to ascertain its effectiveness it is not enough to sprinkle the garment and let the product act. In order to better act on the hair, lotions, ointments and solutions of this type must be applied correctly, according to a precise technique. When using hair lotions first of all you have to wash and clean the application area with a Presthampoo product, so that the lotion can act at its best. After this preparation phase, a small amount of product must be applied to the affected area and start massaging gently and slowly using fingers: the purpose of this massage is in fact that the hair lotion penetrates deeply into the scalp and can act at best.
There are many scalp disorders and can be really annoying if they are not faced by taking the necessary precautions. Hair lotions are a valid ally in the management and treatment of disorders which, if not managed, can prove to be very annoying and even be a source of social unease. Hairmed hair lotions with normalizing, antibacterial and anti -anti -antique action are rich in trace elements, vitamins and vegetable extracts that exercise a regulatory function, integrating and making up for nutritional deficiencies and improving the oxygenation, to give you a healthy skin and stronger hair.