Cambio stagione: consigli utili

Season change: useful tips

Autumn has arrived and as always we feel the change of season. A normal and physiological discomfort due to the adaptation to the rhythms of nature but also to the resumption of the frenetic activities...
Allergie di primavera... parti dai capelli!

Spring allergies... start with your hair!

Cool breezes, warm sunshine and long walks. There  Spring is coming with its scents  and its vivid colors, but for some it also brings allergies and discomfort. When the winds lift and carry  dust and...
Sole in montagna

Sun in the mountains

Here's a news story from a few days ago that probably not everyone has read:  the sun in the mountains tans more than the sun at the seaside! The reason for this is that as...
Attenzione a sole e salsedine!

Watch out for the sun and salt!

Cool off with a  nice swim  It's one of the greatest joys that summer gives us. Why not take advantage of it? However, hair risks becoming weak due to the saltiness that dries it out...
Caldo, caldo, caldo!

Hot, hot, hot!

Hot, hot, hot! How to react?  Hydrate yourself constantly, eat lightly and do not go out during the hottest hours. It is also very important to refresh the skin and eliminate sweat from the hair...
Lasciati baciare dal sole

Let yourself be kissed by the sun

Let the sun kiss you and prepare your hair for summer. Give all the necessary boost to its beauty with the  HAIR Reconstruction MEDIUM  with Keratin R3 , they will be strong, vigorous and protected...
Se i capelli sono stopposi...

If your hair is stringy...

Shampoo, mask and hair is still dull and stringy... Hair management requires adequate and quality products but also some "methodological" precautions. Many of us wash our hair in the shower, rub it thoroughly with a...
Cambio stagione

Season change

Change of season... change of habits! Focus on healthy foods, effective treatments and oxygenating walks.  You will save the tone of your hair  and the mood... Start with your diet: eat proteins, preferably lean ones,...
Dermopurificanti anche in vacanza

Skin purifying even on holiday

Sea is salt and salt remains in the hair and on the skin... once a week, dermopurification deeply eliminates impurities and deposits, relaxing the scalp tissues.  It is always recommended, especially on holiday . The...
Ombra d'estate forza d'autunno...

Shadow of summer strength of autumn...

Is it true that hair grows faster in the summer? There are conflicting opinions and evidence about the effects that light has on hair... exposed to the sun's rays for a long time, they suddenly...
Capelli da sogno sempre ed anche d’estate

Dream hair always and even in summer

The hair is  dry, stringy to the touch and the color is dull ? We are not talking about a trivial problem: brushing is impossible, combing a tragedy, the color is always sad and neglected....
Frutta secca...anche d'estate!

Dried fruit... even in summer!

Fruit contains a large quantity of vitamins and mineral salts. In particular  Vitamin E is normally found in dried fruit and vegetable oils , a powerful antioxidant that improves the appearance of the skin and...